With My Bible you can read the Bible for free anytime and anywhere, with or without an internet connection. So the Bible is always close by.After downloading the app, you can read and listen to the NIV21, New Bible Translation (NBV), the Bible in Common Language (BGT) and the Revised King James Version (RSV). With a free account you can read and download the following eight translations:- NBV21 (from October 14, 2021)- New Bible Translation (2004)- Bible in Common Language- Revised States Translation- Great News Bible- NBG translation 1951- State translation- Bibel (Frisian translation)In the bible app you can also search the bible, follow reading plans, read the bible text of the day and our bible blogs, and keep up to date with the latest news. My Bible will continue to expand.Download now the only app where you can read the NIV21, New Bible Translation and Common Language Bible for free!My Bible is the app of the Dutch-Flemish Bible Society. The NBG brings the Bible close, also with this app. We want everyone in the Netherlands, but also worldwide, to be able to discover, experience and pass on the Bible. We do this for future generations, in other languages and in new forms. With contemporary translations, this app and on debijbel.nl.